Thanks, Pam, We, too, use ATI and are planning to use the comprehensive RN exam and other resources to finish the clinical hours for our students.
I am impressed with all our vendors in simulations and online learning extending "free trials" to use their resources helping to facilitate nurse educators through these challenging times. I so appreciate their kindness and generosity.
Let's hear from others on this thread what resources you are seeing either discounted, free, or just out there that have been helpful to nurse educators. I am attaching a document my simulation director, Crystel Farina, shared with me from one of her colleagues from the U of Connecticut, Carrie Eaton. This group of simulation leaders have been putting "free resources" together in a list and now I would like to share that with everyone on this thread.
Are there others out there? Let's share during this challenging time - we are all in this together. It takes a village! Thanks so much.
Pamela Jeffries PhD
Dean & Professor
George Washington University
Washington DC
Original Message:
Sent: 03-21-2020 11:30
From: Pamela Giles
Subject: Managing ATI's online NCLEX-RN prep for smaller programs
Good morning, colleagues:
Thank you for the continued discussion, sharing of ideas and plans to manage nursing education during this unique time. Now that we have heard from the VA Board of Nursing, we're moving on to our next challenge of helping our senior students prepare for the NCLEX-RN.
We utilize the ATI pre- and post-test which is a proctored exam. ATI will only allow us to use ProctorU or Examity in order to offer their exams in an online format. ProctorU only allows new accounts with schools who have 400 students or more, and Examity has yet to respond to our question.
Those of you who with smaller programs who utilize ATI - would you mind sharing how you plan to manage the NCLEX-RN prep for your students?
Thank you.
Pamela Giles PhD, RN
Dean, School of Nursing
Averett University
Danville VA