Dear colleagues,
I am sure we are all working on contingency plans for our nursing programs. I just checked the AACN site to see if there were any new submissions of plans and I did not find any.
As we are starting our contingency planning, I am wondering if any of you are further down the road and have something created that could assist the rest of us. If you have anything that would be helpful, please share.
Barbara C. Sorbello, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs
Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing
8550 Magellan Parkway
Richmond, VA 23227
Office: 804-627-5344
Mobile: 804-314-7163
Fax: 804-627-5186
Good Help to Those in Need®
AACN-Wharton Leadership Fellow

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched –
they must be felt with the heart."
-Helen Keller
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