Again welcome to VACN community on AACN Connect! AACN Connect is the premier online community for AACN members to communicate and engage across the nation.
Frequently requested items for personalization:
Modify your notification settings to adjust the frequency of your emails
Tell peers more about yourself by updating your profile with a bio
Adjust the information shared on your profile by changing your privacy settings from your profile.
Add a photo to add a face to your posts from your profile page.
If you have any problems in the community please reach out to the community manager Alexa Tehansky, Associate Director of Online Learning and Engagement, .
Alexa Tehansky MS
Online Learning and Engagement
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Washington DC
Original Message:
Sent: 02-11-2019 14:30
From: Jean Giddens
Subject: Welcome!
Welcome to VACN Connect! As part of the VACN website, we have an online community network allowing us the flexibility of communication to our group without the burden of emails and list serves. This service, hosted by the AACN, works similarly to other online communities hosted by AACN such as the Organizational Leadership Network, Practice Leadership Network, etc. Pose a question, share news, and send notes of congratulations through VACN Connect! As a reminder, VACN Connect is only open to VACN members.
Take a moment to introduce yourself in this discussion thread, or start up a new thread if you already have a topic for the group!
Jean Giddens PhD
Dean and Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond VA